Spreading groundcovers are a practical and budget-friendly solution for creating lush, weed-free landscapes with minimal upkeep. Unlike clumping plants, they continuously grow outward through runners, stolons, and/or rhizomes, forming a dense, mat-like layer that suppresses weeds and protects soil. For those searching for the best Australian groundcovers for low-maintenance gardening, these spreading varieties are a top choice.
Aussie Reflection™ Crysocephalum
Benefits of Spreading Groundcovers
- Weed Suppression: Their dense growth habit smothers weeds by leaving no room for them to sprout. They are a living mulch, providing the same benefits as bark chips with (arguably) better soil-improving and biodiversity attributes.
- Budget-Friendly: If you’re trying to save money, plant less densely and allow them to fill gaps over time. Once established, high-performing varieties require little water or care, saving money and effort on maintenance. Keep in mind that while spreading plants will drop roots along the stems, making them more resilient to stressors, there are many weaker spreading plants that we would not recommend as they are more likely to die and need replacing. We won’t mention any weak plants in this article.
- Erosion Control: Perfect for steep slopes or exposed areas, spreading plants hold soil in place. So do clumping plants, but spreading plants may do a better job at shielding the soil from direct sunlight and rain droplets that cause erosion.
- Seamless Coverage: Quickly cover bare ground, softening harsh or rocky landscapes. Just make sure you keep an eye on them, because they may just take over the whole garden if you don’t give them a prune once they reach the desired coverage.
Ground Hug™ Myoporum
Baby Breeze™ Dianella
Top Australian Spreading Groundcovers
- Dianella‘DCNC3’ PBR Intended Trade Name Baby Breeze™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/strappy-leaf-plants/baby-breeze-dianella-2/
- Dianella caerulea‘DCMP02’ PBR Intended Trade Name Little Jess™ NEW IMPROVED. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/strappy-leaf-plants/little-jess-new-improved-dianella-caerulea/
- Zoysia native hybrid ‘ZOY01’ PBR Trade NameOzbreed Zen Grass®. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-grasses/zen-grass-zoysia/
- Chrysocephalum‘CAP07’ PBR Trade Name Aussie Reflection™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/aussie-reflection-chrysocephalum/
- Carpobrotus glaucescens‘CAR10’ PBR Trade Name Aussie Rambler™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/aussie-rambler-carpobrotus-is-a-native-groundcover-plant-with-large-pink-flowers-native-shrubs-ground-covers/
- Grevillea juniperina‘H22’ PBR Trade Name Gold Cluster™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/gold-cluster-grevillea/
- Myoporum insulare‘MYIN01′ PBR Intended Trade Name Ground Hug™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/ground-hug-myoporum-insulare-low-fast-spreading-dense-weed-suppressing-foliage/
- Myoporum parvifolium‘PARV01’ PBR Trade Name Yareena™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/yareena-myoporum-is-a-drought-and-frost-tolerant-ground-cover-plant-with-crisp-clean-foliage-native-shrubs-ground-covers/
- Hibbertia scandens‘HBS01′ PBR Trade Name Groundswell™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/groundswell-hibbertia-scandens-compact-drought-tolerant-ground-cover-with-yellow-flowers/
- Scaevola humilis‘PFS200’ PBR Trade Name Pink Fusion™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/pink-fusion/
- Scaevola humilis‘PFS100’ PBR Trade Name Purple Fusion™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/purple-fusion-scaevola-is-a-groundcover-plant-with-an-abundance-of-purple-flowers-native-shrubs-ground-covers/
- Pandorea jasminoides‘PJ01’ PBR Trade Name Ozbreed Flat White™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/ozbreed-flat-white/
- Eremophila glabra prostrate‘EREM1’ PBR Trade Name Blue Horizon™. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/blue-horizon-eremophila/
Pink Fusion™ Scaevola
Applications in Landscaping
Spreading groundcovers shine in areas where turf fails, such as rocky outcrops, slopes, or under native trees. They’re also a much more interesting alternative to boring brown bark chips as a living mulch that protects and enriches soil. Perfect for public spaces and large-scale projects, offering reliable weed suppression with minimal input.