Most plants can handle light shade, but fewer can thrive in moderately heavy shade, and fewer still in very shady landscaped gardens. Conditions that adversely affect plants in shade are not limited to light levels alone. Some plants can cope in dry shade, but not wet shade and vice a versa. Some can handle both. Soil types can also be important, as are climatic conditions. Ozbreed have conducted a number of shade studies, and this information is based on those studies and real world information.
Using lux metres has helped greatly in shade trials and testing of sites. We hope to continue this research and date information as it becomes available.
Moderately Heavy Shade (part) up to 70% |
Very Heavy Shade (heavy) up to 80% |
Strappy Leaf Plants
Strappy Leaf Plants
Emporium Range of Plants
Emporium Range of Plants
Hardy Exotics
Hardy Exotics
*Can handle 90% shade |